What We Believe

New Covenant could be described in many ways.

Of primary importance is that we are Christian. We hold to the historic faith that has been passed on by faithful men and women from the time of the Apostles until today. This means we hold to historic doctrines, such as the Trinity, the virgin birth, Jesus’ divinity and humanity, and his substitutionary atonement. It also means we hold to the Bible as the holy, inspired, inerrant word of God. While we do not believe that the historic creeds (Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed) are on the same level as Scripture, they do contain a good summary of our commitments as Christians.

Theologically, we are Reformed. This means we are part of the group of churches that trace our origins back to the Reformation in the 1500’s, and especially to the reformer John Calvin. As a reformed church we believe that all people are born into a condition of sin and separation from God, and, being spiritually dead, we are unable to do anything to save ourselves. However, sin does not have the final word.  God, in His great mercy, has made a way through Christ’s atoning work to save the lost. As the Gospel is proclaimed throughout the world, the Holy Spirit draws those God has predestined to everlasting life. We have done nothing to earn this new life and there is nothing that can snatch us from God’s hand. A fuller description of what it means to be reformed can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Functionally, we are a Presbyterian church. This means our church is governed by a group of elders, called the Session, who are responsible for the spiritual and physical shepherding of the church. We are also connected to other Presbyterian churches in our area (our Presbytery) and throughout the country (our denomination). New Covenant is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and we are located in Warrior Presbytery, which covers most of Southwest Alabama.